A new gig memoir about illness and the multiverse
Written & Performed by | Adam Lenson
Director | Hannah Moss
Set & Costume Design | Libby Todd
Video Design | Adam Lenson
Lighting Design | Sam Waddington
Sound Design & Tech Producer | Christian Czornyj
Production Photography | Jane Hobson
Summerhall, Cairns Lecture Theatre
August 2023
Everyone has that one big decision, that one big choice, that one big ‘what if?’.
There's a you that made that choice, and there's another you that didn't.
Fifteen years ago, you stop training to be a doctor and choose to be a theatre director instead.
But in 2019 when you are diagnosed with cancer, the various versions of you collide.
This life-affirming new play with songs is about learning to live with the choices you made instead of worrying about the ones you didn't.

“‘The most brilliantly put together solo show I think I’ve ever seen’”
“‘A captivating and beautiful theatrical creation’”
“‘See this show before the other yous do’”
“‘An unusually good blend of a personal story with a bigger, at times almost intergalactic perspective’”
“‘A big-hearted hug of a show’”
““A masterfully put together piece of multimedia theatre. One of my absolute favourites this year””